Youth Volunteers

In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, it’s easy for young people to become consumed by their own needs and desires. The act of volunteering not only allows youth to contribute to the well-being of others but also teaches them invaluable life lessons that will stay with them for years to come.

St. Vincent Meals on Wheels is an organization that understands the true significance of volunteerism and has witnessed firsthand the positive impact it has on the lives of both the volunteers and the individuals that are served.

One of the most inspiring aspects of St. Vincent Meals on Wheels is the involvement of youth volunteers. These young individuals, supported by their parents, have truly made a difference in the lives of our homebound seniors.

Take, for example, Akshara, an eighth-grader who dedicated her time to create 100 handmade cards for the seniors. This simple act of kindness touched the hearts of those who received them, reminding them that they are seen and cared for. Declan and his mother Monica volunteered together to deliver meals during the holidays, spreading warmth and holiday cheer to those who may have otherwise spent the day alone. Angelo, along with his father, delivered meals to our seniors, spreading love and compassion along their route. The list goes on, with Jonathan and Logan, among many others, dedicating their time and energy to make a difference.

As we encourage and empower young people to volunteer, we are sowing the seeds of a brighter future. Together, we can create a community fueled by compassion, kindness, and the understanding that each act, no matter how big or small, has the power to transform lives.