With the mercury soaring to record heights, and no real relief in sight, it’s more important than ever to help our seniors to stay hydrated. The effects of dehydration are varied, and all are dangerous. Consider: Not taking in enough water can lead to preventable emergency room visits, a higher risk of falling, worsened cognitive function, worsened chronic conditions, and an increased risk for kidney-related diseases and/or diabetes.

Conversely, staying hydrated results in:

  • Improved cognitive function; improved digestion;
  • improved immunity; hydration also lubricates joints;
  • decreases the risk of heat stroke and heat exhaustion;
  • helps to rebuild cells in the body.

Part of the challenge lies in the senior population itself, as there is a decreased thirst response as people get older. In other words, seniors don’t always recognize they are thirsty, so they drink less water.

Another challenge with the population we serve is the decreased access to clean drinking water. Many of our seniors live in neighborhoods or buildings where the water isn’t really safely drinkable.

Kathy S., our dedicated and caring, registered dietitian has devised a program to combat not only dehydration, but the problem of limited access to clean drinking water.

Kathy has created a program to provide Brita water pitchers that the senior fills with tap water that is then filtered in the pitcher, resulting in clean drinking water. And she has worked with SVMOW donors to fundraise for the pitchers.

Further, the pitchers and bottles the seniors keep are marked with notches to indicate how much each senior should strive to drink per day, or, a “hydration goal.”

We are so grateful to have caring professionals like Kathy on our staff!

Let’s stay hydrated, healthy and happy all summer long! If you would like to donate towards Kathy’s Senior Hydration initiative please click the donate button below!
