U.S. Representative Jimmy Gomez (CA – 34th District) visited St. Vincent Meals on Wheels to celebrate our dedicated volunteers who have supported the organization despite challenging times. Certificates of Recognition from the City of Los Angeles were presented by staff from L.A. City Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez (CD-13) who represents the district where the SVMOW Kitchen is located as well as some of its many senior clients. After touring the program facility, the Congressman helped prepare meals and then delivered them to the seniors, some of whom live in the district he and Council Member Soto Martinez represent.

The St. Vincent Meals on Wheels Champions recognized by Laila Molina from L.A. City Councilmember Hugo Soto-Martinez’ office included Scott Perry, West Coast Regional Manager for Laderach, Alvin Seah, VP Western for Singapore Airlines and Robert Sakaguchi, General Manager at Vons.

As the country sees a dip in volunteering nationwide, St. Vincent Meals on Wheels celebrates our volunteers for the generous work they do to feed the hungry and homebound in our City of Angels. Won’t you consider volunteering? Please click below for more information.